Spring Cleanup 2022

Here is an email from Peter Briggs, who is organizing this weekend’s outdoor clean-up party. Please note that if you’re unable to do outside work, we also will welcome volunteers to work indoors on several projects.  Please see Jan or Melanie after church.

Hi All,

As announced previously, we will be having a work party after church, May 15, to get the grounds “Spring ready”. There’s also going to be a short session at Tuesday’s (zoom) Vestry meeting to do some planning / goal setting for the coming year.

For the work party, since it will be outside, Covid restrictions are minimal. Please don’t share food or drinks & masks are not required except in situations where it is advisable.

Please bring any tools that you want to work on projects that interest you. If you bring power tools, please only use them yourself and don’t loan them out. If they’re your tools, we assume that you know how to use them safely (?). Other parishioners might not be as knowledgeable as they think they are.

Thanks – Pete Briggs